Roll a thin layer of ink
evenly onto a sheet of glass, mask tape the fabric to the glass this will
enable it to not move around when drawing from observation. Try not to keep
touching the fabric (or paper) as you will print and create finger print marks
to the fabric - be careful not to rest your hand on it too when drawing. I
usually use a red, blue or black biro to draw with as it has a hard ball point
and will easily created a printed drawing. The idea is that every mark/line you
create will create a mono print on the reverse side of your fabric. I have
chosen a natural form and therefore have used an earthy brown ink underneath.
My complete mono print drawing onto fabric, this can be stitched into and better still the 'found' textured mono prints can be collaged around this print and merged together. You can see in this image that I have managed to transfer some finger print marks where extra pressure has been added.