I have prepared a drawing for a silk screen print. This drawing is of some Islamic tiles - a photo I took a few years ago (knew it would come in handy one day!).
I created a fine-liner drawing and then once finished - photocopied it about 4 times, 3 times onto normal printing paper and one onto acetate which was then exposed onto a silk screen using the light sensitive emulsion. With the three paper copies I decided I wanted 3 different blocks of colour underneath my detailed line drawing. So I cut all the yellow areas using a craft knife and a cutting mat, then all the areas of blue where then cut out and green... I think you get the gist! So I now have three different stencils to work with. Which had to be printed indivdually (as you have to wait for each layer to dry before printing th next).
To print the stencils with the different colours I used a blank screen and a squeegee to spread the ink (I used fabric inks mixed with binder)